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Editorial comment in Corby Evening Telegraph 9th October agrees that our project is worthy of consideration.

….and that is all we are trying to achieve, even if we ‘win’ in November the only commitment is to carry out a feasibility study.

Headline: New train line could be a great asset. Body: It might only be a proposal at the moment, but wouldn't it be great to have a new East-West direct trainline connecting Kettering and Corby to places including Stamford and Peterborough ? The idea is that it would reconnect stations serving about 400,000 people who have not had a direct rail link since the Beeching cuts of the 1960s. With our roads becoming more and more congested and people looking for alternative means of getting around, this would provide more choice. Towns like Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough are so well placed for connectivity if you want to head south to London. Some people might think it will never happen, but there must be some mileage in at least looking into it. Not only would the new line help people leave the country for work and leisure opportunities, but it would also help people from outside Northamptonshire for the same.
Corby Evening Telegraph 9th October 2020

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