Welcome to Welland Valley Rail   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Welland Valley Rail
Diagram showing line of route and timings starting at Kettering, arriving at Corby 9 minutes later. A new local station at Luffenham (20 minutes), Stamford station (26 minutes), Peterborough station (39 minutes), Whittlesey station (47 minutes). Whittlesey currently only has one train every two hours which would increase to hourly with this proposal. Service arrives at March station (57 minutes), reversing there and arriving at Wisbech station (74 minutes). From Corby to Peterborough is 29 minutes, and Peterborough to Wisbech being 34 minutes. To achieve this requires selection of the GRIP report 'March station option 3', which provides turnback at March station. Corby station will require a second platform which will be fully accessible, a new local station at Luffenham which will also be fully accessible, and a turnback platform at March station - in addition to the 3.5 mile segment of line between Seaton and South Luffenham.

We propose an HOURLY service from Kettering, through Corby, a new local station at Luffenham, Stamford, Peterborough, Whittlesey, March with the final call being the soon to be rebuilt station at Wisbech. 

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