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It shouldn’t be a huge surprise that a tunnel built in 1848 http://www.forgottenrelics.co.uk/tunnels/gallery/morcott.html that was explored fairly recently in 2009 https://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/underground-sites/13300-morcott-tunnel.html, 2011 http://theheadmole.blogspot.com/2011/04/tunnels.html and 2012 https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/morcott-tunnel-oct-2012.75441/ is in just as good condition as the earlier explorers found it.

The only significant difference being that the Highways England tunnel pixies have been in and put up a couple of fences at the bit of the tunnel where the A47 crosses above.

This is what the water coming in from the A47 sounds like – I have massively boosted the volume level on the recording – it’s a gentle trickle if you’re actually standing there.

The good condition does not extend to my legs, since the local flora doesn’t seem to like the idea of a railway.
A pair of scraped, bruised scratched and slightly bloody legs after a day of exploring the historic line of route

More ‘boots on the ground’ photos to follow, basically all the existing bridges along the historic line of route are in excellent condition.

Note to self – take a bigger torch and wellies, especially when inspecting after rain. As per previous reports the western tunnel portal is at a very slightly lower elevation, so water drains to that end, where the cutting is heavily obstructed by bushy growth and some larger trees, but even so only 4″ / 10cm of standing water which tapers out to nothing some 100 yards / 100m into the tunnel. Some limited felling by the Highways England pixies at that portal.
According to the photo evidence the gauge of the tunnel is about the same size as my head !


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